Thursday, March 18, 2010

My Little Green Project Update!!

Okay so I told you I would give you some updates. I have some pictures of my little garden. We are still working on it I need more soil because all we have here in texas when you dig it up is clay so I have to get soil but that will have to wait till my husband gets paid. We still have onions to plant and I have my green bean seeds to plant and if I can find a cheap or used trash can I am going to plant potatos like laura suggested here at heavenly homemakers. You have to scroll down a bit it is called gardening 101 planting potatos in a container.

Here are my plants, that we planted and the yummyness in the jar in the back is a mocha coffee mix I knew all of you would want to know that.

This is from the top and if you look on the left close to the top you can already see a baby strawberry!

Okay the top two are my pots I am planting in I have one long one for Strawberries one long one for onions, two of the large round ones are for tomatos and the other large one is for Jalapenos. I also have a smaller round one that is for the cherry tomatos. Then the bottom picture is the patio the part where the chairs are I cleaned up and the pots went there.

Here are my children they helped plant well they mostly made more of a mess than anything but i was really fun. Also if you notice my fiercly feminine skirt for today. If you don't know what I am talking about read about why I am chooseing to where skirts every day here. This makes a perfect gardening skirt because it is a light weight denim that is darker in color so it won't stain. Also my little squirts are pictured my big squirt Madyson, and my Littl Squirt, Major.
Here are some of the plants that we have planted in the pots. It is very exciting.  
Madyson is running over to one of the tomato pots and she wanted me to come and see because she was telling me that one of them was growing, I made the mistake of telling her one day when she was complaining that it was raining so much that it when it rained it made the plants and flowers grow and she takes eveything literally. So I had just watered and she was sure they were growing already.

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